Beautiful weather allowed all MI students to arrive without complications for In-Person week January 3-5 in White Bear Lake MN. The opening day was spent in worship, process and integration discussions, friendly competition, and a select number of students preached for each other as part of their Preaching Practicum course. Spiritual Formation Group members connected by going out to local eateries for supper.

For two days, Mike Bradley, former MI President and current Service Coordinator for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), taught the course “Safe Place”.  Students were also given the opportunity to attend the Life Together Day with the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC) community right here on campus. Pastor Johan Hinderlie brought the message, accompanied by the blessing of deep worship and prayer. MI students reported that this collaboration with the ARC was enlightening and a boost to their experience of In-Person week.

After class and lunch on Friday, student Rose Larson led a prayer experience to wrap up the days together. All students will return to MI at the end of the academic year for project presentations and graduation on May 18.  

We thank God for the provision of time together, great teaching, safe travel, and the experience of Christ’s love in community!