Auditing a Class at MI

It is our goal at MI to create a formational environment that enables us to continue to grow as lovers of God who have been called to served and lead in our 21st-century context. We choose our courses and instructors with this goal in mind. If you are interested in auditing a class at MI, please read on.

Who Audits an MI Course?

Pastor and Ministry Leaders: we welcome you to audit a course at MI as part of your continuing pastoral formation at a reduced rate.

Church staff, lay leaders, and Christians eager to continue growing at the graduate level, we welcome you to register to audit a course at MI. Those who are not in vocational ministry will need to obtain a written auditor-pastor-recommendation from your pastor or ministry leader. The recommendation from pastors or ministry leaders may be sent directly to

MI alumni, mentors, coaches, and volunteers, we welcome you to audit a set number of courses at no cost. Contact us for more information.

Please note:

  • Not all courses are available for audit, and all audit requests are subject to approval.

  • Pre-recorded courses are not available to auditors.

Details for registration are on the registration form below.

Where: Online or in-person at The Master’s Institute, 4000 Linden St., White Bear Lake, MN 55110.

When: Most seminars are held Thursday and Friday, from 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM CT.

Cost: The standard fee to audit an MI course is $100/credit. Payment is due with the registration request at least ten days prior to the seminar start date.

  • You may pay by mail or online.

    • Please mail your check to: The Master’s Institute, 4000 Linden St, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

    • To pay online go to the GIVE page and select your preferred method to make a one-time donation to cover the fee for the seminar.

Prior to the seminar:

  • Please fill out the Visitor-Auditing Registration Form below

  • Refunds will not be given after the start of the seminar.

  • An auditor may attend a maximum of two seminars per school year (Sept. to May).

  • As an auditor, while it will be beneficial to complete pre-course reading, it is not required. The course syllabus will be sent to you when we receive your registration form and, when required, your Ministry Referral.

Visitor-Auditing Registration Form