MI's founders saw a need for a seminary that cared more about the ongoing transformative work of Jesus in the heart of its students than just knowledge and competencies alone. That dream has become a reality with the help of the Holy Spirit since MI's first class in 2001. Today nearly 100 Master of Divinity graduates and more than 350 graduates from MI’s church-centric certificate programs are continuing the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. MI graduates have been transformationally formed from the inside out through MI’s educational and equipping culture that has prepared each of them to live and lead with transformational impact in their ministries, businesses, and communities.


The three fold philosophy of training at MI is working. Spiritual and character formation, biblical teaching, and leadership training are equipping, not just educating our graduates. MI is a school which embraces what author J.P. Moreland calls the Kingdom Triangle – a recovery of knowledge, renovation of the heart, and a restoration of the miraculous power of God. Our hope is for our students to have godly character and wholeness so they can live righteously, to know the Scriptures in a way that they can think biblically, and have ministry skills so they can lead effectively.


Building unity in the Body of Christ through the global expansion of the MI mission and models for Leadership Development.


The Master’s Institute equips the heart, head, and hands of servant leaders to continue the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit through spiritual & character formation, Biblical teaching, and leadership training.


The Lordship of Jesus Christ
He is the head of the Church. The single assignment of the Church is to discover and do the will of its head, the Lord Jesus.

The full authority of the Word of God
The Word of God is without error in the original languages. The Bible works with the Spirit of God to train Christians for every good work.

Radical dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit creates Spirit-empowered congregations and ministries releasing Spirit-anointed and equipped people into Spirit-driven ministries led by Spirit-filled believers.

Empowering Grace of God
God’s grace made known through Jesus Christ is our unchanging message. It empowers Christians to live responsibly, victoriously, and in authentic relationship with others.

Missional leadership for the Great Commission
The mandate of Jesus to disciple the nations has never been rescinded. We accept the Great Commission, together with the Great Commandment, as our highest priority.


Centrality of Jesus Christ – we focus on the incarnation, death, resurrection, and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ

Orthodox – as formulated in the ecumenical creeds and the confessions

Charismatic – we seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit


That God is One, revealed in the Scriptures as three persons, the Father, the source and creator of all, the Son, our Savior and Lord, and the Spirit, who calls us to faith and empowers us for effective service.

That Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, through His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death on our behalf, and resurrection from the dead, offers eternal life to all who believe, that we are justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and that the same grace that saves also empowers for victorious living.

That the whole human race has fallen and cannot be rescued from bondage to sin and to Satan without Christ.

That the Word of God, the Bible, is true, and that we can therefore trust in it without reservation. We accept all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as a whole and in all their parts as the divinely inspired and revealed Word of God and joyfully submit to it as the only infallible authority in all matters of life and faith.

That the Church is composed of all those who have been born of the Spirit by believing in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. The Church is the Body of Christ, with Jesus Christ as the Head. We purpose to submit to Christ’s headship in all things.

That baptism unites us with Christ’s death and resurrection and the Lord’s Supper gives us fellowship with the living Christ in His true body and blood.

That the local congregation consists of true believers, submitted to Christ, and carrying out His ministry and mandates in the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, and that pastors help equip the members to do the ministry.

That the Holy Spirit gives gifts to all members of the Church to do the supernatural ministry of Christ until He returns. That Christ will return for His Bride, the Church, and that true believers will live forever with Christ, while unbelievers will be sent to eternal punishment.

That the Ecumenical creeds, the Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian, are true declarations of the faith we affirm.

That how we live affirms or denies what we profess. We do not want to deny the Gospel by wrong living. We adorn our creed with our conduct.

That right relationships are as necessary as right theology. We will not invalidate sound doctrine by unsound attitudes and actions toward others.