Micro M.Div. Information Session
December 10, 2024 at 4:30pm CT on Zoom
The Micro M.Div. is an 18-month certificate program focused on increasing the competency, character, and capacity of local Christian leaders to optimize their calling in God’s kingdom. It is completed in a cohort of 5+ participants and combines masters-level courses with weekly spiritual and character formation, bi-weekly exercises in biblical studies, and a formal leadership development process into a vital, accessible, Jesus-focused program.
The Micro M.Div. was originally designed as a leadership development program for congregations in partnership with their senior leadership. Now, this online, non-centralized cohort will be the first to welcome individuals from various contexts and ministries to participate. Whether you are discerning a call to ministry, seeking advanced theological training, or looking to deepen your faith, The Master’s Institute offers a nurturing environment where your gifts and passions can grow.
MI will email the Zoom link within two business days of your submission.