Dr. Paul Eddy, God, Evil, and Spiritual Warfare
MI appreciates regular partnership with Dr. Paul Eddy for courses such as God, Evil, Spiritual Warfare, Evangelical Issues, and Love and Covenant. Dr. Eddy has been a professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Bethel University since 1997. After receiving his M.A.T.S. at Bethel in 1991 he also graduated with a PH.D. from Marquette University in 1998. He is a published author, mentor, Board member for The Lift CDC, research associate with the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, and teaching pastor at Woodland Hills Church. He and his wife, Kelly, live in White Bear Township with their two sons, Jordan and Juston.
About God, Evil, and Spiritual Warfare:
From the “fall” in the book of Genesis to the final victory of Messiah Jesus in the book of Revelation, the theme of spiritual warfare runs throughout the Bible. Our time together will allow us to consider key biblical and theological themes associated with this cosmic conflict. We will end with some practical reflections on spiritual warfare.
Required reading for the course:
Beilby, James, and Paul Rhodes Eddy, eds. Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012.
Recommended reading for the course:
Acolatse, Esther E. Powers, Principalities, and the Spirit: Biblical Realism in Africa and the West. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018.
Boyd, Gregory. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1996.
Johns, Loren L, and James R. Krabill, eds. Even the Demons Submit: Continuing Jesus’ Ministry of Deliverance. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 2006.
Kraft, Charles H. Christianity with Power: Your Worldview and Your Experience of the Supernatural. Ann Arbor: Servant, 1989.
Onyinah, Opoku. Spiritual Warfare: A Centre for Pentecostal Theology Short Introduction. Cleveland, TN: CPT, 2012. [An African perspective]
White, Tom. The Believer's Guide to Spiritual Warfare. 2nd ed . Ventura, CA: Regal, 2011.
Michelle King M.A. LMFT, Intro to Counseling
Michelle King is a licensed therapist in both California & Minnesota holding over 20 years of experience working in ministry and 16 years in the field of therapy.
Specifically, she has advanced training in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) and Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing (EMDR) for trauma.
Her focus has been with individuals & couples in the areas of depression and anxiety, marital/relationship issues, personal development, grief, sexual issues and crisis of faith/spiritual formation.
She earned her Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, CA and her Bachelor of Arts from Bethel University in Saint Paul, MN.
She and her husband Jeremey have been married for sixteen years and have two beautiful children, Gabriel 14 & Neriyah 12. She’s a big fan of hiking, yoga, reading and podcasts.
About Intro to Counseling:
The class will look at some of the basic elements in counseling. This course will give an opportunity to look at your own narrative as well as to develop a working model for counseling others.
Required reading for the course:
Johnson, Susan, EdD. Attachment Theory in Practice The Guilford Press, 2019.
Brown, Brene, Ph.D, MSW. Atlas of the Heart Random House, 2021.
Gaultiere, Bill. Jesus’ Ministry As the Wonderful Counselor (Article)
The Gospel of John
Recommended reading for the course:
Siegel, Daniel, M.D. The Developing Mind. The Guilford Press, 3rd ed. 2020.
Kolber, Aundi, MA, LPC. Try Softer. Tyndale Momentum, 2020.
Johnson, Sue, EdD. and Sanderfer, Kenneth, LMFT. Created for Connection. Little Brown and Company, 2016.
Brown, Brene, Ph.D, LMSW. Rising Strong. Spiegel & Grau, 2015.
Siegel, Daniel, M.D. and Hartzell, Mary, M. Ed. Parenting from the Inside Out. Penguin Group, 2013.
Kirkpatrick, Lee. Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of Religion. Guilford Press, 2004.
Burke, Tarana and Brene Brown, Ph.D, LMSW. You Are the Best Thing. Random House, 2021.
Menakem, Resmaa, MSW, LICSW, SEP. My Grandmother’s Hands. Central Recovery Press, 2017.
Pastor Mark Spencer M.A., Pastoral Acts: Care and Counseling
Mark Spencer’s lifelong quest has been to help people learn love. Working as a pastor, counselor and social engineer Mark has helped individuals, couples, families, churches, and businesses grow in their relationships. His personal love lab includes his wife Betsy, 5 adult children, 5 granddaughters, and one stepson. He has graduate degrees in Marriage and Family and Theology, pastors at Bridgewood Community Church, and is the director of Clarity Consulting. Mark has authored two books and is currently working on three new works.
About Pastoral Acts: Care and Counseling:
Building upon the introductory counseling content (PA503), this course will consider integrative pastoral counseling skills and strategies that can be appropriately and effectively used to counsel individuals in a church or para-church context. Special attention will be given to developing a counseling approach that is both helpful to the individual seeking help and congruent to the leader’s gifts and personality. Additionally, the course will identify common presenting problems, determine appropriate counseling strategies, and define when seeking consultation or referral is preferable.
Additionally, an important dimension of offering care and empowering others to do the same is bringing one’s whole self to an authentic encounter with God and the other. This course provides numerous opportunities to grow in your awareness of how your experiences, assumptions and beliefs may impact your capacity to care.
Required reading for the course:
Benner, D. (2003). Strategic pastoral counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
Creech, R.R. (2019). Family systems and congregational life: A map for ministry. Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker Academic.
Sbanotto, E., Gingrich, H and F. (2016). Skills for effective counseling: A faith-based integration.
Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.
“Core Counseling Skills” article will be provided in google classroom.
Recommended reading for the course:
Barnes, M. Craig.The Pastor as minor poet. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 2009
2. Egan, G. Bailey, A. The helping conversation: Common sense counseling skills for everyone.
Chicago, IL: Gerard Egan. 2021.
3. Hoeft, J., Jung. L.S., & Marshall, J. Practicing care in rural congregations and communities.
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 2013.
4. Lartey, E.Y. Pastoral theology in an intercultural world. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. 2013.
5. Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally healthy discipleship. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 2021.
6. Wimberly, E.P. Recalling our own stories. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 1997.