Nicholas Schaser holds a Ph.D. in New Testament and Jewish Studies from Vanderbilt University, as well as M.A. degrees in Jewish Studies (Vanderbilt) and the Old Testament (Luther Seminary). Dr. Schaser teaches in many capacities: as a Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Israel Bible Center, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Jewish Studies at Macalester College, and Adjunct Professor of New Testament at United Theological Seminary.
Professor Schaser’s research interests include the reception of the Hebrew Bible in the New Testament and rabbinic literature, with particular focus on the Gospels and Midrash Rabbah. Teaching widely in both synagogues and churches, Dr. Schaser strives to promote mutual learning and respect between Jews and Christians. Dr. Schaser and his wife, Melissa and young children live in the south metro area, where she is a pastor at Christ Presbyterian in Edina.
History of Israel is a three week course that surveys the history of ancient Israel from the pre-Israelite ancestral period (narrated in Genesis) to the Persian period. Students will analyze Israel’s history from socio-political, archaeological, and biblical perspectives. Alongside readings that will ground us in the world behind the Bible—with particular focus on Ancient Near Eastern literary and material culture—we will also engage Israel’s Scriptures to see how the authors melded their own theological concerns with the conditions of their historical experience.