Dr. Alicia Granholm

Leadership and Change

Dr. Granholm trains and equips leaders to thrive in their leadership and life, empowering them to make a lasting impact. Alicia compassionately crosses cultural boundaries having lived, served, traveled, and studied in 25 countries on six continents. For more than 10 years, she served as a pastor in both mainline and non-denominational churches in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area. She has also held advisory and leadership roles in both state government and non-profit organizations. Alicia has her Doctor of Strategic Leadership with a focus on Global Consulting from Regent University, a Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary, and a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of St. Thomas. Dr. Granholm taught “Pastoral Leadership and Innovation for MI last year, and is returning to teach “Leadership and Change.” https://www.aliciagranholm.com/

MI Course Description: Leadership and Change addresses the reality and necessity, and also difficulty, of change in ministry settings and leadership. Students will be exposed to identifying the nature and necessity of change, and they will learn tools that will allow them to lead and navigate congregations through change in healthy and life-giving ways.

Instructor Focus: Change is a necessary part of life, leadership, and ministry. It’s been said that the only constant thing in life is change. Most change efforts fail however and leave a wake of pain behind them. Every Christian leader deserves to be equipped with the tools for knowing what, when, and how to make necessary changes in healthy and sustainable ways. This course will equip and empower you to engage change in ways that not only honor your ministry, but also all the stakeholders involved. Pastors and ministry leaders are guided step-by-step through leadership change frameworks for identifying what changes need to be made, how to make them, and when to make them without burning bridges or burning out in the process.

Dr. Paul Cross

Confessional Faith

Dr. Paul Cross taught Scripture Practicum and Old Testament Courses from the time MI started for 11 years. He has returned in the last couple years to teach Hebrews and Confessional Faith. Dr. Cross has a Master of Theology degree from Bethel Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Asbury Seminary. Paul recently retired from being the Senior Pastor of Atonement Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND. Additionally he served congregations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas and West Virginia. Before entering full time ministry he worked for ten years in the automobile repair industry. Paul’s admonition in 2 Timothy 2:15 is Dr. Cross’s one driving passion in life.

MI Course Description: Confessional Faith will aim to provide students with a holistic understanding of Lutheran confessional distinctives, while also situating Lutheran confessional distinctives within the broader landscape of historical orthodox Christian faith and practice.

Instructor Focus: While the Lutheran Confessions have been examined extensively from both theological and historical perspectives, the goal in this class will be to explore how the Confessions serve pastors and congregations in the world today.